Advanced Conveyor Belt Systems with Internet of Things Applications
We are living at times when there is an industrial revolution and the automations Conveyor Belt Systems , manufacturing and logistics have not been left behind. The IoT is making business operations understandable and easy to handle. There is an increased business to business interaction through apps and technologies. As the manufacturers of conveyor belt system we are the biggest beneficiaries of IoT technology. We are incorporating technology in favor of our clients; for the smooth running to have a strategic change through several milestones. Different industries use our conveyor belt, but we understand the fact that different industries face different unique conveyor system problems. We have identified several problems and we explain how we apply Internet of Things to them. Automation I the main feature used in all conveyor systems for it to serve in the modern day industries. This factor is very important because it sets apart the traditional ways of working with the modern ways of working. Advanced IoT solutions are very effective solutions for information gathering from the different components and devices of the conveyor belts. This is the main reason we have come up with advanced conveyor systems combined with IoT solutions for the systems effectiveness and efficiency.
Problems with common conveyor systems
The mining industry has been known to use large-scale and long-distance conveyor belts, which work with heavy equipments and machinery.
The idlers: Conveyor systems are made of different components; some are located together and they are easily inspected, but some are spread along the entire line of the conveyor system. This fact makes it challenging to keep check of these components spread throughout. The idler rolls are spread throughout the conveyor system, unlike the tail and head pulley which are located at the beginning and end of the conveyor system. Monitoring and inspecting the idler rolls would mean walking or driving through the entire conveyor system. This would also mean increased manpower and time expenses because you will need a worker to do inspections. There are thousands of rolls in one conveyor system and there are no chances of errors slipping through the manual checks conducted.
Solution: The conveyor system is fitted with components which monitor the idlers accurately in monitored in real-time from one location. The technical components of the convertor systems are assessed by measuring the temperature of the rollers. The rollers operate at temperatures of between 20 to 50 degrees, but this depends on the ambient temperature also. If the temperature goes beyond 80 degrees it is a clear sign of the rollers failing. Our conveyor systems are fitted with temperature sensors which send alerts of potential damages when the temperatures start getting high. This gives sufficient time for reactions to the damage and saves manpower and time used to identify the damages manually. The best thing about this Conveyor Belt Systems solution is the accuracy which the technology monitors the systems in operation.
Manufacturing industry
In every industry time is of the essence and in manufacturing it is important to save time and everything should run smoothly. There are no chances of downtime in manufacturing because this means lost revenue for the business. Conveyor Belt Systems form a part of the manufacturing assembly line and to meet the expectations the conveyor needs to operate continuously to meet its capacity. However, due to this continuous use the belt suffers from the normal wear and down and sometimes they suffer from a breakdown. Due to the gear motors present in the conveyor systems used in manufacturing industry, it is difficult identifying the motors that have broken down. That notwithstanding after identifying the failed motor it will need more time to find out the make, then reorder the motor and fit it. Sometimes it is just a component that needs to be replaced. This contributes to several hours or even days of downtime which would mean partial or complete hold up of the manufacturing process.
Solution: the manufacturing industry has benefited from IoT because they integrate management system with sensors. This makes it easy for information to be directly selected from the hardware and it is relayed to the interface for a quick solution and the users get a quick spare part identification which facilitates a faster reordering process of the spare parts. The Conveyor Belt Systems is connected such that once the request for a spare part is received there is a team ready to move into action immediately cutting down the downtime for the manufacturing industry. This saves time to about 80 percent of the time which would have been lost in manually identifying the failed parts and ordering and waiting for action to be taken.
The warehouses deal with shipments daily and the shipment inventory is very crucial because they need to be timely and accurate. This is a very important component of any business to ensure the markets are serviced with products when they are in demand. A failure of the warehouse conveyor system leads to loss of revenue. It is also very important for the visibility of the stock arriving. Without a conveyor system it is challenging to keep a record of how much stock is arriving and what form of goods is being received. This makes it easy to organize for shipments that need to be moved to be moved effectively. After the stock arrives in the warehouse further effort and manpower is put to segregate the stock into different units according to their usage and their purposes.
Solutions: we have specially considered our clients operating conveyor belts in the warehouses and we have found ways to gain visibility into the goods arriving. Our conveyor systems are fitted of bar code tracking devices. The crates, boxes and other packaging materials are fitted with identification tags such as RFID tags, QR codes and barcodes to make it easy for the conveyor system vision devices. This ensures a complete automation of the conveyor systems because you can easily automate the input of the goods received in the system. An ERP updated conveyor system is best for visibility, which ensures fast working in warehouses. The RFID receivers are fitted for RFID tag to capture goods received.
Predictive maintenance
We consider our clients’ needs and we have changed our systems to how clients can detect potential damage before it happens as opposed to having full repairs conducted after the system breakdown. Machine artificial intelligence sets parameters for the normal working of the conveyor systems. Alert notifications are sent in real time with the sensors sending specific details on specific problematic components saving you a lot of time. These specific data helps you understand the components which need immediate attention. Sensors are erected all around the conveyor system to monitor temperatures and vibrations. The system is well capable of analyzing all these temperatures and vibrations to trigger an alarm before failures occur.
Conveyor belt Fabrications
We are leading in the supply and manufacturing of conveyor fabrications. All our conveyor belts are made from quality material such as Teflon, rubber, nylon and polyvinyl chloride. Our conveyor belts are customized in accordance to the customer’s needs are good for the transportation of dry and wet materials on inclined or uphill positions. Conveyor belts are available in multiple variants with some being slittable cleated belts and molded conveyor belts. Our conveyor belts have been approved for corporate houses and heavy industrial use because of their sturdy construction, durability, sleek look and smooth finish. The experience and professionalism used in the manufacturing process ensure high quality belts which are excellent in their service. Fabrications utilize advanced technology, equipments and tools to provide only the best for our clients.
Belt structure fabrication services
We develop a design for the conveyor belts to accommodate our client’s specifications and space. These services are completed within the scheduled time.
Features of fabricated conveyor belts
- High impact strength
- High mechanical strength
- Durable