Balanced Spiral Woven Belt
Balanced Spiral mesh features a simple yet effective design,constructed from alternating left and right hand spiral coils. These coils are held in place by interconnecting crimp rods which run through the width of the belt. The edges of the belt can be supplied either welded or with a knuckled selvedge.Balanced Spiral gains its excellent tracking properties by employing an alternating pattern which prevents the belt from pulling to one side. Lateral movement within the belt is reduced by the use of specially crimped rods which hold each spiral coil in place.
Balanced Spiral is most commonly supplied as friction-drive belt; however certain meshes can be supplied as Positive-Drive, allowing sprockets to engage with the belts mesh. Alternatively, we can supply Balanced Spiral with chain edges for high load applications.
Cross-Flights and Side Plates are available for inclined applications or product separation requirements. Wire Belt Company also supplies Double Balanced Spiral belting, for applications with particularly high load and/or for products which require a narrower aperture than is possible with standard balanced spiral belts.